El Gapitane: I'm about to enlighten you about the whole screen looking issue
Eureka: Please do
El Gapitane: Most of the screens you look at all day are liquid crustal displays. Technology has come a long way to make those screens. They emit something like 3% of what TV screens used to emit in the early 90s. When you look at a an LCD all day is like looking at the open sea in bright sunlight actually its safer since the actual sunrays are strongest of all
Eureka: That's fantastic
El Gapitane: Your eyes adjust to that lifestyle but the worst part is that natural sunlight become very harsh to you...making it worse for you in the outdoors
El Gapitane: It’s sort of an equation you just need to balance
Eureka: So you ideally should spend some time in the sun every day for your eyes to remain adjusted to it
El Gapitane: Yup
YES! My shows aren't damaging my eyes! Christmas is early!
El Gapitane: And your friend was right about the drainage thing. He just forgot to mention that in the closed system when you pee in the toilet the nitrates from your pee is actually extracted and used in agriculture in my many developing nations such as Egypt. So at the end of the day you’re saving a lot of plants when you pee in the toilet. And the shower and toilet usually have 2 different drainage systems in the modern world.
And that, ladies and gents, is why we pee where we pee.
a) Way to inflate his ego even further.
b) When did he get so smart?
a) His ego will never match mine.
b) I don't know! Doesn't explain why he's STILL at AUC!
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