And fancy free! Cast came off last night :)
I must have scrubbed off half a person in dead skin. I'm still scraping icky flaky stuff off my toes and my heel. Gross, I know. But seeing as I have to live it, you'll have to read about it.
On a happier note, I had my first honest-to-goodness no-holds-barred proper shower in three weeks. None of that stick your leg out the side of the tub and try to hold the shower head while shampooing nonsense. It felt awesome. I was a happy camper.
However, my euphoria didn't last very long. I had the pleasure of experiencing a most interesting version of an FMF attack. This sort of attack is intriguing and quite rare in my experience so pay utmost attention to the following for it will probably not be repeated for a while and is a study in the body's need to be an asshole.
Sometimes, FMF decides to grace you with its presence in stealth mode. You are struck by a semi-high fever (39 and a bit degrees Celsius in my case last night; nothing too bad), the shivers, and a sort of heart-attack like burning sensation in the base of the throat/top of the chest area. It's like ice burn but coming from the inside and pulsates with each breath. Obviously with a fever and freezer burn breathing you're in for a fun night.
I don't mind this type of attack though. It only lasts a night, it's relatively painless, and I tend to hallucinate slightly so they're fun. Too bad they only come round once every couple of years and the rest of them are stupid normal attacks.
Last night I think I was convinced I was a science accountant from the future stuck in an HR job. Yes, I am serious. I distinctly remember trying to assign new numbers to some sort of Excel file with job applicants' contact information. And I remember spending a pig's lifetime trying to remember the name of the medicine on my bedside table that helps relieve my fever but I couldn't be assed to reach over and grab. I eventually figured it out. It is called Parofen. Better than Panadol. Trust.
Watched OTH and GG episodes tonight. How I love TV season and bless the writers of such mind-numbing sexgod bitchslap banter. Please remember that I live vicariously through my TV shows. This shit is the highlight of my day. Now kindly reassess why you're still reading this blog.
Oh, you're still here? You're either extremely loyal, totally pitying me right now, or just as sad as I am. In all cases, I love your committment to watching me suffer. Bless.
15 years ago
You should watch season 4 of Prison Break. The first two episodes look interesting.
I gave up on Prison Break after the first couple of episodes of season 3. How far can you take running away from the cops?
Has anyone seen the new 90210? Worth trying?
Well things change in season 4. Spoiler alert: Scoffield is caught and has to help the police so as to have his records cleared.
oooohhh, snap! You just sparked my interest. I love it when they have to snitch.
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