The legal kids had a departmental dinner with their boss recently - just after we all moved floors*. Duckie decided to rag a little on Babar by having the following conversation with their boss:
Duckie: I feel very sorry for the person who will be unfortunate enough to have to use Babar's office.
Legal Boss: Why, Duckie?
Duckie: The poor person will walk into a disaster zone. It looks like it's been hit by two tornadoes, a flood, and a pack of famished hyenas. The carpet is completely worn, torn and stained, the desk is cracked and has marker doodles, the doorknob is broken and comes out in your hand... I could go on forever.
Legal Boss: Babar, how embarrassing!
Babar: Yes, Legal Boss. They'll find a broken doorknob, a tattered carpet, and a battered desk. And they'll wonder who could have damaged an office so badly. So they'll walk out to see who was in there previously, and they'll see Duckie's name.
Babar switched name tags with Duckie's office before leaving. INGENIOUS.
*To clarify: We were kicked out of our floor when it was rented by a new company and are temporarily sharing with another. We should be moving to our own floor within a month or two.
15 years ago
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