Saturday, November 22, 2008

Back to the Old Grind

I know, I know, I'm late as usual. Been a mad week. I think Mr. Boss Man subconsciously wanted to punish me for the week in Paris, even though I made good by hunting HALF the city for his 14 month old nephew's asthma medicine. Because I'm good-hearted like that.

Right, so the week consisted of food, shopping, walking, shopping, food, and a tiny bit of sight-seeing, mainly to places I haven't managed to see before (grace a Tinkerbell being able to call Paris home). Highlight of the trip: Roonies being left to her own devices in a shop and managing the following sentence, "je ne com pom prom pas!" 

Personal highlight: Roonies being completely dependant on my French :P LOVE IT. Complete domination is the way I like to roll. 

Sadly, it flew by, meaning I was back at my hole in the wall with a laptop attached to my tireless fingers before I knew it. Damn you, Father Time. Couldn't you hit pause or something? 

On a side note, the flight back was the longest, noisiest, most irritating flight I have ever been cursed enough to endure. Take one screaming child, add 4 hours of being in a confined space with it and no chance to escape, and you'll catch my drift. I won't say more because I am trying to block that experience out of my memory forever.

Anyway, Mr. Boss Man had me working on a model all week. Only for JP Morgan to send us the same thing as I was wrapping mine up. This meant I had to totally rework mine in accordance to theirs. Double the work, same amount of time. Stupid assflickers. Of course at an investment bank, you have 5 people working on the model. Where I am, you have little old me, and an ancient internet connection with half the internet blocked by our tyrannical IT department. Exactly. No NY Magazine, no Dlisted, no Fbook. Nothing to help the research and number crunching flow. 

But enough of that. I'm sure Mr. Boss Man has turned into a boring and repetitive issue to you by now. Unfortunately, he is the person I see most often, which is why he features so prominently here. Sorry folks. 

Right. In order to combat my recurring bouts of writer's block, I will open the floor to questions from my adoring public. Ask me anything, so long as it isn't perverted, and I will be happy to post an entry answering your questions. 

Bracing myself!


Fesh said...

oh oh oh
*Fesh jumps up and down
Can you elaborate more on the crying kid in the plane back to elCairo? :D

And on a totaly different note, just saw this today. You should write something about how the world's largest zeppelin was named after you.

Anonymous said...

Since the floor is now open for questions, I would like to ask you why are you so afraid of commitment?
I would also like to know whether you're satisfied with your job or not? We keep on hearing of Mr. Boss Man but we never heard your verdict on the job that you have.

Eureka said...

Fesh: I will try to be strong enough to write about that. Pray that I find my inner strength for the sordid task.

Anon: Good questions. Really know how to make a girl squirm, don't you!

Questions have been noted folks; I'll answer in a few days when I'm certain that none of the 6.5 of you who read this blog are missing :)

Anonymous said...

Seems that you are not interested in answering the questions :S

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